
Lower Damariscotta
2023-04-16 20:00:00 EST
Battery Voltage 11.9 V
CDOM (Water Color) 2.41 QSDE
Chlorophyll a 1.08 µg/L
Conductivity 2.81 S/m
Current Direction 233.9 SW °
Current Speed 307.2 cm/s
Dissolved O2 7.05 ml/l
Depth (Instrument) 0.870 m
Nitrate Concentration 1.3 µM
PAR(0-) 0.039 µM/m^2/sec
PAR(0+) 6137.985 µM/m^2/sec
pH -22.710  
Salinity 29.47 PSU
Temperature 4.35 °C
Transmission 24.185 m-1
Turbidity 2.28 NTU
Latitude 4355.8584 ddmm.m
Longitude 6934.8044 ddmm.m

Upper Damariscotta Estuary
Buoy data trouble
2022-11-09 13:00:00 EST
Battery Voltage 11.6 V
CDOM (Water Color) 2.51 QSDE
Chlorophyll a -0.04 µg/L
Conductivity 0.05 S/m
Current Direction 31.1 NNE °
Current Speed 257.1 cm/s
Dissolved O2 5.84 ml/l
Depth (Instrument) 0.110 m
Nitrate Concentration 1.0 µM
PAR(0-) 4.252 µM/m^2/sec
PAR(0+) -0.001 µM/m^2/sec
pH 4.612  
Salinity 0.28 PSU
Temperature 22.89 °C
Transmission 17.519 m-1
Turbidity 0.14 NTU
Latitude 4359.8907 ddmm.m
Longitude 6932.5516 ddmm.m

Casco Bay 1
Offline for maintenance
2021-08-25 12:00:00 EST
Battery Voltage 11.1 V
CDOM (Water Color) 0.19 QSDE
Chlorophyll a 0.09 µg/L
Conductivity 0.00 S/m
Current Direction 286.5 WNW °
Current Speed 2.8 cm/s
Dissolved O2 6.13 ml/l
Depth (Instrument) 0.000 m
Nitrate Concentration 1.8 µM
PAR(0-) 129.058 µM/m^2/sec
PAR(0+) 222.744 µM/m^2/sec
pH 7.948  
Salinity 0.01 PSU
Temperature 22.16 °C
Transmission 2.968 m-1
Turbidity 0.09 NTU
Latitude 4356.1603 ddmm.m
Longitude 6934.8085 ddmm.m

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Maine EPSCoR SEANET Buoy Network

The Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) is a National Science Foundation program directed at states that have historically received lesser amounts of research and development (R&D) funding. Through this program, states develop partnerships between their higher education institutions, industry, government, and others to effect lasting improvements in their R&D infrastructure, capacity, and national competitiveness. Maine EPSCoR at the University of Maine oversees and implements the state's NSF EPSCoR program.

SEANET was established under a five-year award (2014-2019) to help understand how we can create more sustainable coastal communities and ecosystems through a deeper understanding of how these systems interact with and influence each other. This multi-institutional, public-private partnership led by the University of Maine in collaboration with the University of New England and other institutions in Maine uses Maine's 3,500 mile coastline as a living laboratory to study physical oceanography, biophysical, biogeochemical, socio-economic, and policy interactions that have local, bioregional, national, and global implications. The project applies a new focus of looking at Maine's inshore waters as aquaculture growing areas.

Maine EPSCoR is mobilizing the collective capacity of Maine's coastal science resources to establish SEANET, a research network focused on Sustainable Ecological Aquaculture (SEA). SEANET is taking a multi-institutional, transdisciplinary research approach to gain a comprehensive understanding of how SEA can interact with coastal communities and ecosystems. The SEANET research program uses the field of sustainability science to understand the social and environmental connections and feedback loops among SEA, and coastal communities and coastal ecosystems. For more information, visit

Part of the research and education program involves developing oceanographic models of factors which control the productivity of Maine's coastal waters in three bioregions (southern, central and down east Maine), supplemented by hourly monitoring of biophysical parameters in 6 coastal regions through LOBO buoys in the more sheltered waters, and at the mouths of the bays in more exposed conditions using buoys developed at the University of Maine. During the fall of 2015 and throughout 2016, 2 LOBO and 1 U Maine buoys are deployed in the Damariscotta River estuary (upper and middle LOBO, outer U Maine) and the Saco Bay region (Saco River and Scarborough Marsh LOBO, Saco Bay U Maine). During 2017, buoys were moved to sites in Casco Bay (New Meadows River upper and middle LOBO, outer U Maine), the Bagaduce River (upper LOBO, outer U Maine), and the upper Damariscotta River estuary (LOBO). During 2018, buoys are deployed in Machias Bay (eastern LOBO and western U Maine), Cobscook Bay area (South Bay and Western Passage LOBO, Eastport shipping channel U Maine), and the upper Damariscotta River estuary (LOBO).

Historical U Maine data can be found at:
Casco: Casco:

Each bay region will have 1 or 2 LOBO buoys, depending on accessibility, and 1 UMaine buoy for 1 year. The current UMaine buoys are located in Western Machias Bay and Eastport, and the data can be found at: Coming Soon

The SEANET buoy network is supplemented with other smaller buoys and sensors involving students, citizen monitors, fishermen and aquaculturists.

This streaming buoy data is provisional subject to calibration.

Damariscotta 1 LOBO
Damariscotta 1 LOBO in the upper Damariscotta River where there is extensive cultivation of the American Oyster, Crassostrea virginica, and water depth of approximately 5 m at low tide.
Damariscotta 2 LOBO
Damariscotta 2 LOBO in the middle Damariscotta River near the University of Maine Darling Marine Center and water depth of approximately 12 m at low tide.


Manufacturer Instrument Measurements
WET Labs C-Star Transmission
Satlantic LOBO Power distribution
Sensor control
Wireless communication
Data management
Satlantic PAR PAR (0+)
Satlantic SUNA Nitrate Concentration
Satlantic SeaFET pH
WET Labs WQM CDOM, Chlorophyll, Depth (Pressure), Dissolved Oxygen, Salinity, Temperature, Turbidity
Nortek Aquadopp Current Speed, Current Direction

43.9°N 69.5°W

Archived Data

Use LOBOviz to graph and download archived data from this LOBO node.


This activity is supported by National Science Foundation award #IIA-1355457 to Maine EPSCoR at the University of Maine.